Most people don't really understand how to properly select a rod. Rod makers don't usually do much to help as they often slap on a power rating label that is not very informative and often very misleading. The reason pros have their boat decks littered with rods is they match their rod exactly with the lure, purpose and presentation. As kayak fishermen, we don't have that luxury, so we need to select rods that are versatile and can handle multiple baits and presentations. Using the wrong tool for the job will end in failure almost every time. Throwing crankbaits with a jig rod will result in thrown hooks, while throwing jigs with a crankbait rod will result in failed hooksets. I don't care for stiff, broomsticks, but lures with single hooks need rods with more backbone to penetrate flesh, while small, treble hooks aren't meant to penetrate and can easily bend out or tear out of flesh, so a softer rod is needed to keep the hooks pinned in place and absorb jumps and surges without tearing out. Hopefully, this guide will help you select your next rod.
X-FAST: Great for jigs and most soft plastics; driving single hooks through on strong line. Poor for spinnerbaits, buzzbaits and most reaction baits as fish can easily shake hooks free. Terrible for anything with a treble hook.
FAST: Very versatile. Great for soft plastics and finesse plastics. Good for jigs, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, lipless cranks. Poor for most cranks and treble hook baits.
MOD. FAST: Very Versatile. Great for pretty much any bait with treble hooks; cranks, topwaters, etc. Good for spinnerbaits, buzzbaits. Poor for finesse plastics. Terrible for most single hook applications.
MODERATE: Good only for treble hook baits. Unsuitable for most other applications.
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